LIFE Waste To Resources IP



On 14 June this year, the CMB Engineering Competence Centre in Riga hosted an expert experience exchange event ‘Sustainable Transformations of (Building) Materials. Stories of Sustainable Construction Experience’ organised by the Latvian Builders’ Association. During the event, manufacturers were introduced to the possibilities of using recycled and recovered materials for the manufacturing of new products.


The Construction Association also presented the challenges of implementing circularity in building and construction waste management, and the ongoing issues in the construction sector to industry professionals and participants.


Some of the attending companies shared their experience in manufacturing building products from reusable raw materials or recycling construction waste, such as Knauf, demonstrating the possibilities in the production of plasterboard, CleanR in the recycling of plastics, Balticfloc in the production of thermal insulation material, Druplat in the recycling of wood, and Schwenk Latvija in the production of concrete building products.


The event concluded with a discussion on how to create a supportive environment for the transition to a circular economy in Latvia. The discussion will be attended by leading experts from the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Development, the State Construction Control Bureau, and the State Environmental Service.



Seminar programme

  1.  Opening, Welcoming speeches
  2. Presentation | Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Ministry of Economics
  3. Presentation | LBA section of the LIFE Environment Programme integrated project From Waste to Resources
  4. Experience Story, Schwenk | Ready-mixed concrete
  5. Experience Story, Knauf  | Plasterboard Production
  6. COFFEE BREAK | Sample inspection
  7. Experience Story, Druplat  | Wooden material
  8. Experience Story, Balticfloc | Thermal insulation materials from waste paper


Short video of the seminar: Sustainable Transformations of (Building) Materials



Pasākums tika organizēts LIFE Programmas projekta “No atkritumiem uz resursiem Latvijā – Reģionālās ilgtspējas un aprites veicināšana, ieviešot atkritumu kā resursu izmantošanas koncepciju” ietvaros. Integrētā projekta laikā Latvijas Būvuzņēmēju apvienība izstrādās vadlīnijas un priekšlikumus Būvizstrādājumu un būvniecības atkritumu aprites sistēmai Latvijā.




Read about the participation of the Latvian Construction Contractors Association in the project: LATVIJAS BŪVUZŅĒMĒJU APVIENĪBA