Manufactured in Latvia thermal insulation materials
Recycling of wastepaper into processed raw materials
High-quality cellulose fibre and pellets
Ecological cellulose mulch
Polystyrene pellets for thermal insulation of hollow walls

Thermal insulation materials and cellulose fibre manufactured in Latvia

Balticfloc is the most experienced wastepaper recycling company in Latvia with the broadest array of recycled products. Currently we offer to our clients the following cellulose fibre products:

Briefly about us

Balticfloc is the most experienced wastepaper recycling company in Latvia with the broadest array of recycled products.

Moreover Balticfloc is the only company in Latvia that produces unique paper processing products - cellulose additives to asphalt and absorption materials for collection of environmentally hazardous products.

Ecologically friendly solutions

While developing the production capacity, the company constantly learns new technologies and carries out research work for the creation of innovative products. Balticfloc cooperates with research institutes in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and Finland testing the manufactured products and developing the original environmentally friendly products.

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